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Ultimate Concealed Carry

Equipping the good guys

Comfortable. Accessible. Discreet.

Ultimate Concealed Carry

Equipping the good guys

Comfortable. Accessible. Discreet.

Ultimate Concealed Carry

Equipping the good guys

Comfortable. Accessible. Discreet.


We are the Ultimate Solution to uncomfortable and difficult to conceal holsters!

Our holsters were designed from scratch to be comfortably concealed.

  • Durable
  • Easy to conceal
  • Comfortable beyond belief
  • Carry almost all gun types*
  • Easily accessible

What you can wear it with...

  • Tucked shirt
  • Untucked shirt
  • No shirt at all

You have ultimate protection and comfort with an Ultimate Concealed Carry holster.

*Our exclusive Hide-It holster will fit a large range of handgun sizes and brands, from a Sig P365 to a full size pistol like the Glock 17 or 1911 45acp. The holster’s unique, patented design mimics the shape of the leg and sits BELOW your waistband and bend point, behind your pocket, concealing your handgun completely and allowing you to sit comfortably.

Sold exclusively by Ultimate Concealed Carry
Designed and manufactured in Texas

  • Fully concealable below the waistband of everyday pants or shorts.
  • Draw quickly with the ability to sit comfortably. 
  • Holds more than 500 kinds of pistols.
  • For those who want a comfortable holster they don't have to dress around. 
Shop Hide-It Holsters $60-$85
  • Custom Made to fit Your Handgun
  • Optic Ready on most all models
  • Virtually No Maintenance Requirements
  • Exceptionally Durable
  • No Break-In Period
Shop Kydex Holsters $49.99-$59.99
  • Wears like a wallet ... shoots like a gun!
  • Use with a variety of .380s.
  • Hides the outline and keeps the pistol vertical in your pocket.
  • Shoot, load, and unload from the holster.
Shop Grip-It Wallet Holster $39.99



We are so confident this will be your last holster, we have a two-week money back guarantee.

What our customers say



We stopped counting when we reached over 400 guns to include small .380’s to 1911 45acp.  We do know that shot K sized framed revolvers and guns with large lights will not fit.  Low profile light/lasers like the Crimson Trace will work nicely in our Hide-It holster.

personally i wouldn’t use the cell phone case. are there other options available?

Yes!  Beside the cell phone case that comes in 5 sizes we offer a key fob/chain with a carabiner, a leather grip handle that comes in black or brown to match  your belt and we offer just a plain black belt clip that can be tucked behind you belt for those who want 100% concealed.  

is it comfortable to sit with the hide-it?

Very!  Since the holster sits below your bend point of  your leg the holster you don’t get poked or jabbed in the leg or abdomen.  Most report that it virtually disappears and can hardly feel it when they wear the Hide-It.


For most with average builds the holster mimics the shape of  your thigh by curving slight over the gun.  For some it might show a small line reflecting the bottom edge of the holster.  It will NOT print as a gun but will look like you have something in your pocket.  Those who have athletic thighs from training or just have large thighs the holster will print more noticeably but it still won’t look like a gun.

does it take two hands to draw? isn’t that a drawback?

Most concealed carry draws are two handed. For example, lift the shirt, draw the gun. In our case it's, lift the gun.  Draw the gun. If you are wounded or in a fight, you can use either hand to pull the gun up, and then draw with this same hand.

can the holster be drawn quickly in an emergency?

After some practice, our pull up draw is about the same speed as a traditional concealed carry draw.  The pop up draw. Pushing the gun and holster from inside your pocket is about a half second! See our video!

my pants are too tight

If you can suck it in and slide four fingers into your waistband, you have room.  It will take a little more practice, but you can do it!  If your pants are so tight you can’t get a finger in your waistband, consider buying one size larger pants. Or look at some of our other carry methods.

is the hide-it safe to use considering its location?

No worries! The muzzle of your gun is below your  crotch!  Aimed at the ground.   Besides, you haven't hit a target that small in years!

i dont like in the waistband carry

You’re not alone.  This is a common problem found with In the Waist Band carry (IWB).  Most IWB and OWB carry techniques tend to be uncomfortable, inconvenient and hard to dress around.  The Hide-It addresses all of these issues.  Now you can be comfortable and easily dress any way you want.  From shorts on the beach to a business suit it all works.  All you have to do to make the holster work for  you is have your pants on when you leave the house!

i dont like a crossdraw

Yes!  We offer both left and right handed version.  Keep in mind that if you are right handed the holster will be place behind your left pants pocket so the the grip of the gun is pointing at your right hand and reversed if  you are left handed.

i’m left handed. do offer a left handed version?

YES! We offer left and right handed versions.